batting cage netting

Cimarron Sports CM-7x642LNF 7 x 6 42 L-Net and Frame

Cimarron Sports CM-7x642LNF 7 x 6 42 L-Net and Frame

Cimarron Sports CM-7x642LNF 7 x 6 42 L-Net and Frame

Cimarron Sports CM-7x642LNF 7 x 6 42 L-Net and Frame 42 L-Net and Protective Screen Frame. Cimarron's residential grade L-Net and Frame is great for at-home batting cages or use by younger players. Inexpensive, but sturdy and long lasting. Frame made of 1 1/2 16 gauge powder coated steel.

Cimarron Sports CM-7x642LNF 7 x 6 42 L-Net and Frame